SbZ =  51

From the Greek "antimonos", meaning "against aloneness"
(AM) Atomic Mass 121.757  amu    Oxidation States +3, +5, -3
   (BP) Boiling Point 1750  °C    (MP) Melting Point 630.7  °C
   (ρ) Density 6.62  g/cm3    Crystal Structure Rhombohedral
   ( χ ) Electronegativity 1.9    (AR) Atomic Radius 1.38  Å
   Physical State Solid (C) Heat Capacity 0.207  J/g °C
Electronic-Config [Kr]  4d10  5s2  5p3     (I1) First Ionization E 833.73  kJ/mol
   (ΔHvap) Heat of Vaporization 193.43  kJ/mol     (ΔHfus) Heat of Fusion 19.79  kJ/mol
   Year of Discovery Known to the Ancients    Location of Discovery n/a
(E°) Standard Potential SbO+ + 2 H+⇔ Sb + H2O (0.210 V),  Sb + 3 H+⇔ SbH3 (-0.510 V)
Stable isotopes  121Sb,  123Sb
Discovered/Synthesized by Known since ancient times
Natural Source The mineral/ore stibnite
Common Uses Solders, lead hardener, batteries, bullet, semiconductors, photocells, matches, flame retardant
Other Info Latin name: Stilbium
Antimony fluoride is one of the most acidic known
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